Ready to play some Magic online with friends from Other Worlds?

Now is a great time to play Magic online (with REAL paper magic cards) as you get ready for your new Ikoria cards. You can even play sealed competitions with your friends with the Ikoria Prerelease kits!

After you pick up your Ikoria this Friday, login to our discord channels and play a game with someone. SHARE this link with your friends and play online with them any time. It’s FREE to join and play!

If you send us a screen shot of your game, we will send you an exclusive promotional code to use on MTG Arena (digital card sleeves!) Soon we will have opportunities to receive the new Ikoria promo/premium packs.

For playing online, you will need to create a Discord account (which is free). You will also need a computer/laptop with an external camera for pointing down to the play space on your table, microphone can be built-in or external.