APRIL, 2023
You may return most UNOPENED/UNUSED products within 14 days of purchase for a full or partial refund or exchange with exceptions.*
Camp/Event payments are non-refundable. However, they are transferable to other camps or events within SIX MONTHS of date of purchase.
Due to their readability nature, ALL Comics, Graphic Novels, Magazines and Reading Books are NON-RETURNABLE and NON-REFUNDABLE.
All Trading Card Game booster packs and individually purchased cards (Magic, Pokemon, etc) are NON-RETURNABLE and NON-REFUNDABLE.
*If certain returned items are deemed to be un-sellable (i.e. Board Games/Puzzles/Role Playing Books and supplements, have had outer plastic removed, or sealing glue has been cracked) it remains our discretion to allow exchange or credit. If returned item is considered damaged, opened, or not in new condition, we reserve the right to refuse to refund.