June 13 – August 29
We are now taking signups for the summer break Magic/D&D Day Camps!
We will follow state guidelines regarding the pandemic. Until further notice we will be requiring vaccinations for all campers. Masks, however, will be optional (until further notice). Temperature checks may be performed each day for all campers.
Our popular Magic: the Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons day-camps are for kids, ages 9 – 15, beginners to moderate experience.
Learn to play Magic: the Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons! Join us during Spring Break, Summer Break, select holidays or after school for single or multiple Magic sessions or D&D adventures.
All of our Magic instructors/ Dungeon Masters are run by experienced store staff.
Weather permitting, we hope to offer our outdoor foam-sword battles for morning magic campers and for D&D campers, more ELF FOOD!
Beginners welcome!
DAILY SCHEDULE (Hover over links)
Learn to play Magic: the Gathering! 4.5 Hrs each day, early drop off after 9am, Lunch Break at 12PM. Food may be required to be eaten apart from other campers. (TBD) Indoor tables or outdoor benches may be options in the summer.
D&D CAMP: 12PM – 2:30PM/3PM – 5:30PM
Learn to play Dungeons & Dragons! Single sessions currently not available for D&D. Three groups available, 2.5 hrs each, no breaks. Includes ONE set of D&D dice for each player, Elf Food on most days.
BOTH CAMPS, 9:30AM – 5:30PM * * * SAVE! * * *
Full day of gaming! Full-day campers take an extra break between 2:30pm and 3pm for either Magic play or D&D prep.

Food must be eaten apart from other campers. Indoor tables or outdoor benches will be options.

For more info on our camps, go here.